Since 1770, The Old Manse has stood majestically on the banks of the Concord River, overlooking the North Bridge where, on April 19, 1775, one of the first battles of the American Revolution unfolded.
In 2025, the lively Concord250 Arts, Literature, and Music Subcommittee is looking to the arts to bring fresh and expanded perspectives to local history, elevate lesser-told stories, and look ahead to the “next 250.” From Liz Helfer’s Freedom’s Silhouette interactive sculpture recently installed in Monument Square to newly commissioned musical compositions and more, local artists and cultural organizations are creatively re-examining history and bringing it into the now.
Early American quilting is a form of art that has captured the attention of women for generations. To this day, it enjoys a growing and enthusiastic following, including among men, who represent about 1% of quilters in the U.S. and Canada today. To better understand the history of this beautiful art form, we interviewed several experts - keepers of an important artisanal trade - who graciously shared their knowledge for this article.