The colors of Concord in fall are so beautiful they bring a glow to our minds and a smile to our faces. The reds, oranges, and yellows against a green background are emphasized as they reflect in our waterways.
“I will take another walk to the Cliff, another row on the river, another skate on the meadow, be out in the first snow, and associate with the winter birds. Here I am at home. In the bare and bleached crust of the earth
I recognize my friend.”
Each year, the brilliant fall colors of New England, and our town of Concord, draw people from around the world. Concordians have an advantage in knowing just where to find the most spectacular vistas, such as an open hilltop with the most colorful trees below or most any place along our waterways. Celebrate fall with this spectacular photo essay.
Concord’s summer is lovely and comforting. Life slows down after the energetic buzz of spring. Relax with photographer Dave Witherbee's stunning photo essay.
Our New England days lose daylight and might even be a bit bleak at times, but it helps to keep our eyes out for warm colors and interesting nature to brighten our days. Reflections of water and ice often glow. The slanting light of winter and patterns of ice are delightfully complex in contrast with the direct light of summer.
The beautiful fall colors of Concord are a sight to behold! Many of you have your own favorite spots, but perhaps I can point out a couple you have not visited or just need a reminder to go back to again. Be sure to bring a camera or your cell phone.