Time TBD – Meriam’s Corner Exercise
Meriam’s Corner, 24 Old Bedford Road, Concord
The Town of Concord, joined by local fife and drum ensembles, minutemen and militia reenactors, and the Concord Independent Battery commemorate the fighting that took place here on April 19, 1775. This site marks the start of the running battle back to Boston.
Time TBD - The Capture of Paul Revere
Paul Revere Capture Site, 180 North
Great Road, Lincoln
The Lincoln Minute Men, joined by other reenactment units, will relive the capture of Paul Revere with fife and drum music, a theatrical performance, and a musket fire salute.

Carlisle Colonial Minute Men
| ©Jennifer C. SchünemannSATURDAY, APRIL 15
Morning (time TBD) – Explore the Elm
Brook Hill (Bloody Angle) Battle Site
with Edmund Foster
Join Edmund Foster as you explore the Bloody Angle (Elm Brook Hill) Battle Site. Edmund Foster, a militiaman from Reading, Massachusetts (portrayed by park volunteer Ed Hurley) will lead a tour to this key battle site where he fought on April 19, 1775. He will be joined by Lincoln historian and author Don Hafner.
9:30 am – 11:45 pm – Caught in the Storm of War: The Civilian Experience of April 19, 1775
Hartwell Tavern and Captain William Smith House, 136 North Great Road, Lincoln
If you had to leave your home in a hurry, uncertain of your return, what would you take with you? Learn about the local civilians on April 19, 1775, who struggled to save their families and belongings from the path of war. Meet living history volunteers at the Hartwell Tavern and the Captain William Smith House portraying colonial civilians. Starting at 11:45 am, with the sounds of battle approaching, they will hastily close up the house and head off down the road. Experience the stories of ordinary women and men whose lives were suddenly upended by war. The civilian evacuation scenario will begin at the Hartwell Tavern at 11:45 am and end near the Parker’s Revenge Site, a distance of nearly two miles. There you will be directed to the viewing area to see the tactical demonstration at 1:00 pm.
12:45 pm – Parker’s Revenge -
Battle Road Tactical Demonstration
Minute Man Visitor Center,
North Great Road, Lexington
Captain Parker wants revenge for the militiamen killed in Lexington earlier that day, and he shall have it! Witness hundreds of British and colonial reenactors engage in a battle demonstration of the running fight that took place along this deadly stretch of road on the border of Lincoln and Lexington. After the demonstration, you will have the opportunity to talk with these amazing volunteers and learn about British regulars and colonial militiamen in great detail.
1:30 – 4:30 pm - Search of the
Col. James Barrett Farm
Colonel James Barrett House,
448 Barrett’s Mill Road, Concord
At 3:00 am on April 19, 1775, Colonel James Barrett was awoken by a messenger shouting for him – the King’s troops were coming to search the town and seize weapons! Colonel Barrett and his wife, Rebecca, raced to hide artillery, musket balls, cartridges, and more. Join costumed park rangers and volunteers at the Barrett House and learn more about colonial military preparations. Get ready because around 3:30 pm, British soldiers will arrive and conduct a search of the property, looking for supplies.

Concord Parade at Monument Square
| ©Jennifer C. SchünemannMONDAY, APRIL 17
8:15 am – Ceremony on the
Battle Green, Lexington
Bear witness to the terrible events at the Lexington Green, when a shot fired (we don’t know by whom) caused the British light infantry to attack Captain Parker’s company with bayonets and muskets, killing eight militiamen and injuring 10 more. News of this massacre spread far and wide, and steeled the resolve of the minutemen who would be waiting at the North Bridge and beyond, later that day.
8:30 am – North Bridge
Fight Commemoration
Minute Man National Historical Park, Concord
Commemorate Patriots’ Day with a dramatic battle demonstration involving colonial minutemen, British regulars, and musket fire, marking the “shot heard ‘round the world.” Please note that roads in Concord close at 8:30 am, so plan to arrive early.
7:45 pm – Patriot Vigil at the North Bridge
North Bridge Visitor Center, 174 Liberty Street, Concord
As darkness descends upon the North Bridge battlefield, join in the lantern light procession
and ceremony as you reflect on the events of
April 19, 1775, and the meaning of liberty. The evening ceremony will feature a lanternlight procession, poetry, music, and a recitation of the names of the soldiers who gave their lives on that
“ever-memorable” 19th of April.
11:30 am - Arrival of the Sudbury Militia
at the North Bridge
The Sudbury Companies of Militia and Minute will make their annual march to the North Bridge in honor of their fellow townsmen who made the same march in 1775. They will fire volleys from the North Bridge in soldierly salute.
12 pm – Battle Road Anniversary Hike
Battle Road, Minute Man National Historical Park
Join National Park Rangers for an immersive five-mile guided Battle Road trail hike. Follow in the footsteps of the ill-fated British column as their stories come to life. Learn of the trials and triumphs of those who experienced the bloody events of April 19, 1775. After the program concludes at Fiske Hill, a shuttle bus (reservations required) will transport registered participants back to the parking area.
National Park Service staff will be on hand to help guide you to parking, but please plan well ahead for these enormously popular events.
Dress in layers, wear comfortable shoes, and bring water. Restrooms are available, but could be spaced far apart.
Please stay behind the rope lines. While all reenactors are firing blanks, it is still dangerous to step into an active reenactment site. If park staff see a person cross the ropes, they will stop the entire scene to keep people safe. Please respect the hard work that goes into preparing these events, and abide by the rules.
Muskets and cannon fire are loud. Those with sensitive hearing and small children may be more comfortable watching from a distance. And while your trusted furry friend may THINK he wants to come along, many dogs are frightened by loud noises. They might be more comfortable at home.
The Patriot Vigil allows candle lanterns only. No flashlights or LED lighting please, out of respect for those who passed on this important day in our nation’s history.
For updates on events – including what to do in the event of inclement weather – visit the National Park Service website at