Chanukah will once again be celebrated by the Town of Concord and Temple Kerem Shalom at Rideout Park on December 21st. Families will enjoy the blessing (and lighting) of the menorah, music, games, stories, and delicious latkes from Debra’s Natural Gourmet. And another beloved tradition will also take place this winter. The stunning display of menorahs in the window of Debra’s Natural Gourmet will be there for people to admire and enjoy all December long.

“34 years ago, when the store first opened, I remember how important it was to my mother, Debra Stark, to share the Festival of Lights with the community. Back then you almost never saw or heard anything about it,” said Adam Stark, 2nd-Gen Owner and Chief Miscellaneous Officer of Debra’s Natural Gourmet and Debra’s Next Door. “She didn’t want anyone to feel left out during the holiday season, like she did as a little girl. So, she started putting menorahs in the store window. In the beginning, I think she had two, and she bought two more for the display. Eventually, somehow, she got a reputation as the ‘menorah lady’ and family and friends kept on giving her more and more as gifts. Now her collection has something like 40 menorahs, and every year we display them. And every year a handful of people ask how much this-or-that one sells for. And we always say ‘they’re not for sale — we’re holding them in trust for the community.’”  

All are welcome to enjoy this touching display at Debra’s Natural Gourmet, 98 Commonwealth Ave. in West Concord throughout the month of December. Happy Chanukah!